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Gartner: 5 Things You Must Absolutely Get Right for Secure IaaS and PaaS

Cloud adoption has revolutionised the way that businesses share and access information. It has stretched across all industries, including those that are regulated or highly security conscious. Today, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions provide extensive flexibility and productivity gains to enterprises around the world.

However, on-premises security tools are not designed for cloud security. Consequently, all organisations must deploy appropriate, granular cloud security measures. Those that fail to do so and attempt to rely on legacy or on-premises security technology will experience an increased risk of data leakage as well as deployment complications.

Every organisation needs a tailored plan to defend its cloud footprint. There are many threats and vulnerabilities that must be addressed, from malware and misconfigurations to insider threats and data leakage through personal or remote devices. Fortunately, cloud access security brokers (CASBs) can support organisations by allowing them to enforce the security policies and data protection capabilities that address their needs–wherever data may go. For example, leading CASBs can secure IaaS through tools like data loss prevention, identity and access management, encryption of data at rest, advanced threat protection, and cloud security posture management. The list truly goes on and on. 

In a recent study, the leading global research and advisory firm, Gartner, set out to uncover the essential items that security and risk management leaders must consider in order to properly secure IaaS and PaaS. The analyst firm asserts that by 2021, 50% of enterprises will unknowingly and mistakenly have some IaaS storage services, network segments, applications, or APIs directly exposed to the public internet, up from 25% at year-end 2018. Naturally, this will lead to data leakage. Additionally, it projects that through 2023, 99% of cloud security failures will occur because of the cloud user rather than the cloud provider.

Fortunately, Gartner reveals steps your organisation can take to leverage IaaS and PaaS securely–the adoption of CASBs being among them. Click here to read Gartner’s report so that you can learn more and stay safe during your cloud journey.

Blog by Juan Lugo – Product Marketing Manager at Bitglass

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